
Mount and blade warband fief
Mount and blade warband fief

mount and blade warband fief mount and blade warband fief

If there's any game concept you don't understand, just ask. Based on among others, the Turks, they have highly specialised light infantry and heavy cavalry. The Sarranid Sultanate are a powerful if fragile desert-dwelling kingdom. The Kingdom of the Rhodoks, a mountain dwelling kingdom, with strong and stoic infantry that form excellent shieldwalls and crossbow lines. Nordic troops are excellent on the attack and defense, but lack mobility. The Kingdom of the Nords, Vikings with throwing axes. Unsurprised, they make great use of horse archers and light cavalry, making them fast and effective in an open environment. The Khergit Kharnate, Mongols by any other name. The Kingdom of the Vaegirs, a Russian expy that uses powerful archers and a strong core of infantry to produce numerically strong armies. The Kingdom of Swadia, based on a typical feudal European kingdom, known for it's devastating if expensive heavy cavalry.

mount and blade warband fief

Map Basically, there are six factions all based on verious feudal nations.

Mount and blade warband fief